Sunday, September 8, 2024

The 'Peg and Rough Riders, Day 4

 Saturday started off with a farmers market, included a large moose, and ended with a spectacular show of stars.

Here's a look at the cottage: 

And the favorite decorations inside (plus a foot)

There are interesting old license plates on the fence. 

Our morning outing was to the Farmers Market in Arnes, offering everything from vegetables to handcrafts to wonderful freshly-baked Mennonite goodies. 

This area has a very heavy Icelandic influence, since it was settled by immigrants from Iceland in the late 1800s. This is reflected in many place names, such as Gmli, Hecla, Arnes and Hnausa. Whereas Wnnipeg has a very strong Mennonite influence.

After lunch, we headed north up the lake to Hecla Provincial Park. The other three walked out on the quay, I found a nice chair in the shade and just enjoyed the view and the lovely weather. 

On the way home, we stopped in Riverton, to see "The Biggest Moose in Manitoba". The 14-foot long statute is called "Lundi Moose", to represent the large quantity of moose who once roamed here and whose meat was vital to the Icelanders who settled here in 1876. "Lundi" was the original name for the area.

Back to the cottage for a delicious chicken and potato dinner grilled by Doug. We had a quiet evening.

HOWEVER! Norbert and I had already gone to bed when Carleen knocked on our bedroom door and said there was a spectacular display of stars, if we wanted to see it. Of course we wanted to!

It was unbelievable. Hundreds and hundreds of stars, seemingly so close you could touch them. And crystal clear. The Big Dipper was right before our eyes. I have never seen anythng like it before, and doubt I ever will again.

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