Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Blog lives!

Thought it was time to rescue my blog from its winter hibernation. Now that I am working fewer hours (yeah!) I ought to have lots of free time to do other fun things, like blogging.  Ha ha ha, funny how it doesn't work that way.

I was off today -- that is, not working for Cyclingnews -- so it was kitchen day. The stores here are closed on Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday, so Norbert (who was also off) and I made an early morning run to the grocery stores. We spent a ton of money, but got some really good looking things.

One of the most expensive was this roast beef for Easter dinner:

One of the other stores has sweet potatoes on sale, we will pick them up Saturday.

The most expensive item was the fresh tuna steaks for tomorrow.  The Catholic tradition is to eat no meat on Good Friday, and although we are not at all religious (and I am acutally not at all Catholic), we go along with that. We usually eat fish once a week anyway, but becuase we love it so much!

No photo (yet) of the tuna, it is all sealed up.

Back home, I moved into the kitchen.  First thing up was a batch of Jumbo Coffee Cake Muffins.

It only made about 9 or 10, which really isn't enough. As you can see, they are disappearing fast and there are now even fewer than when I took the picture.

Lunch was a batch of Nürnberger Bratwurst, the little spicy ones.  Yum!  I love me a nice fatty Bratwurst every now and then.

After lunch I finally made the peanut butter pie, the recipe from Tale of the Whale at the Outer Banks. I made it rather late to eat it this afternoon. I stuck it in the freezer, but it still hadn't properly set by 4 pm. This didn't stop Lucas and me from eating it, needless to say.

I usually make it with a chocolate crumb crust, but didn't have any extra chocolate cookies on hand.

I also made a batch of ranch dip,but you can guess what that looks like.

Norbert volunteered to make dinner tonight, one of his specialties:  shrimps in cream sauce with spaghetti.  Lucas doesn't always eat dinner with us, but you can sure bet he did tonight!

We then shoved everything except the wooden spoon and one plastic measuring cup into the dishwasher and retired to the living room with a glass of wine.

More on the rest of the weekend's food goodness to come.....


1 comment:

  1. Want to share Norbert's shrimp in cream sauce recipe? Looks yummy.
