Friday, November 18, 2011

Welcome to the Untucked Shirt Brigade

When did it happen?  When did I lose my waistline?  I used to have one, a lovely little one, along with flat tummy.  Ha! Those days are long gone now.

And that means that somehow I have joined the Sisterhood of the Untucked Shirts.  Which can only mean -- and I hate to say it -- that I am getting old.  Because we all know that only old ladies wear their shirts out all the time.

Let's not mention that it is more comfortable and looks a lot better, when you haven't got that trim waist and flat stomach anymore.

I guess it is just one of those transitional things.  The end of middle age is approaching -- slowly, thank you -- but still, approaching. 

Just remember there are lots of things worse than getting older -- like not living long enough to have the chance to get older!


Other than that, real life (and work) got in the way of things today.  Dinner was catfish with Cajun seasoning sauteed in a little olive oil, broccoli and potato wedges. 

Norbert is on for dinner tomorrow, he bought a nice looking piece of beef.  We don't eat a lot of beef by the way, because it is fairly expensive here.  If you can afford it, you probably can't chew it...... 


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