Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Vancouver, Day one

Our first full day is a transition and decompression day. In this instance, it is also a day to recover from jet lag and try to adjust to the nine-hour time difference.

I slept well until 3.30 or so, then dozed until 6, when we got up.

Our apartment. We are in the basement of this house.

Our morning outing was to a Safeway grocery store. Once again, we were struck by the high prices and the relatively limited selection of items.

The meat in particular was terribly expensive. Chicken breasts were 20$Canadian/kilo, which works out to about 13 Euro (and I never pay above 7 Euro).

A large selection of fish, including this large bag of salmon, without heads.

But never fear, you could buy the heads too!

We then walked around the little shopping center and stopped in a bakery, where we bought a little something for later on.

Norbert chose a lemon square, I didn't get a photo of it.

Our last stop was a liquor store, which had a surprisingly small selection of German beer.

Interestingly enough, all the Canadian beer was in cans. Nothing in bottles!

We lunched at home. I tried to nap and couldn't. Norbert, on the other hand, was out like a log for half an hour.

We decided we needed to do something, so we went to a large shopping center. Walked around, looked at lots of things, got soaking wet as it started raining again, and had an early dinner at the food court.

Not an exciting day, but we need that sort of "rest" day. To bed shortly after 9 again.

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