My brother invited us to join him at the Outer Banks, so how could we say no? We did the Düsseldorf-Amsterdam-Washington thing, and the flights worked out fine. For the first time, I had mysself wheelchaired in all airports, and boy, was that a great idea. Not to have to walk all those miles within three huge airports!
The joy stopped when we hit the rental car desk. We had to wait nearly in hour, and then were told to go pick a car out of the lot. THe only one in our class was, well, a class above, but it was parked there, right? We even asked and were told to take it. The guy at the gate to let us out had his doubts and had to check, but we got it and all was well. But we still lost a good hour and a half.
To make up for it, we saw three deer shortly after leaving the airport.
WE headed southwest to Culpeper and the Holiday Inn Express, where we have stayed a number of times. Not the cheapest but qiute nice. They even upgraded us to a "junior business suite". We walked over to 7-11 and bought something to eat in the room.
The next day started out well as we saw this beauty from the breakfast room.
An outstanding breakfast, too..
Then Norbert starrted taking things out to the auto and discovered a number of scratches. Obviously whoever was parked next to us had not paid attentionu by parking or leaving. Ugh. We didn't call the police as we knew they would laugh us off for such minor damage.
Our first stop was The Ole County Store and Bakery.I aboluely love to visit us, and if we lived there or were going directly to a vaation house I would undoubtedly spend much money.there. It also happens to be right next to the only public access to Lake Pelham, so, especially since this is a "lake" triip, we stopped there, too.
We stopped for lunch at a place I am entirely unable to find on a map. Norbert had some excellent fried chicken and I had a sandwich. I remember what we ate but not where!
Edited to add: I FOUND IT! After porting over the map with a magnifiying glass, and then checking Google maps: Mine Run Market and Deli, in Min Run!
Then we drove to Lake Anna, of which I have heard so much. Our first stop was Lake Anna State Park.
The visitors center was still closed for the season, but at least there were restrooms. We walked around a little but it was not terribly interesting.
It started raining lightly as we got back to the car, and when Norbert turned the windshield wipers on, we discoverd a note from the person who had hit our car. Complete with name, email address and telephone number. Hooray!
WE drove around a bit more, finding abosluely nothing to see or do. We even drove down to the visitors center at the North Anna Nuclear Generating Station. It too, was closed, although their website said open. Discouraged by the lack of attractions and the dreary weather, we headed to the hotel.
We stayed at the Lighthouse Inn (although there is no lighthouse), "the only lakefront motel". It caters to anglers, and was pretty basic. Had all the basic necesities but nothing more. It was indeed lakefront, though.
And so a relatively unsatisfactory sexond day aame to an end.
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