Friday, March 30, 2012

64 pair of socks???

Now honestly.  Who needs 64 pair of socks?  and 40 pair of knee-high stockings/trouser socks/whatever they call them?

I certainly don't.  So why did I have them?

There they are, all 64 pair.

So I sorted. I thought it would be cute to have sneaker socks in every color to match my wardrobe. It was cute -- but I didn't wear them.  The white ankle socks had to go, reminded me too dreadfully of sixth grade.  (So why did I ever buy them in the first place?)

I unfolded and looked at every pair.  A few made that suspicious cracking noise of old dried out fabric..... they flew out real fast!

And here the drawer after:

Down to 17 pair!

The discards:

I was feeling bold by this point and went on to the next drawer, where the pantyhose, tights and knee-high hose are kept.

 2 pair pantyhose, 4 pair tights, and 40 pair knee highs.  Sigh.

I kept the pantyhose (don't wear them often, but have to have them) and two pairs of the tights.  The others were just too short and kept pulling down, what an awful feeling.

I ended up keeping 20 pair knee highs:  6 plain, 7 black and 7 gray.  It is still a lot, but let's face it, they don't have a real long life expectancy.

The drawer afterwards:

 And I had a little helper, whose job it was to shed cat hairs on everything:

 Yes, that's my laptop on the bed, because I was also officially working at the time.  Hope the boss doesn't read this.... don't worry, I won't bill you for that time!

I feel better for having unloaded unnecessary items, I can find things easier, and I know that someone out there will be happy to have the things I no longer need.


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