Spent much of Wednesday on the road. First I went to my “marinate & grill” session – bath therapy followed by the sun cabin. Raced home and picked up Lucas, took him to his first job interview. Turns out the guy had something come up and wasn't there, Lucas should come back at 4 – exactly when his second appointment was.
So in the afternoon we headed out the other direction, to the second interview, then tore back to the first one. Stopped at Burger King for an early dinner, as Norbert had physical therapy at dinner time. Then I took Lucas to his girlfriend, who lives not far from appointment number two.
The great news is that he was offered jobs at both interviews! I don't want to say more until it is all 100 percent wrapped up, but it looks extremely good.
Kitty had to have her share of attention too. At 1:30 Thursday morning. I got up and escorted her to her food bowl. An hour later she called me again. I grabbed the afghan and hit the couch, she curled up with me. But have you ever tried to sleep with a cat on your chest, who is purring VERY loudly? Not easy!
I dozed off and on until 5:30, then Norbert got up as usual at 6. It was a short night......
Lucas and I took advantage of yet another day off to go to Mönchengladbach shopping. Well, I went shopping. You know how sometimes you shop and find nothing (which has been happening to me about the last 5 months)? Well, today it worked out. I found tons of stuff!
-- Two sweaters (medium rose, turquoise)
-- Two pair slacks (light/medium gray, light gray-brown)
-- shoes (gray suede)
-- three blouses (light blue, turquoise blue, pink-gray-white print)
-- purple skirt
-- dark rose knit jacket/cardigan.
So now any guys reading this are rolling their eyes in boredom.......
But it was tons of fun and Lucas and I had a good time together, as we usually do.
Came home, threw everything n the wash machine and hit the sofa for a nap. Then threw Kitty in her carry case, put her in the car and went to the vet for follow up.
She managed to throw up in her case as soon as we parked at the vet. Didn't have to wait, fortunately, so we were able to clean up right away.
Her paw is getting better but is still infected. Some pus came out around the infected claw. She still has to stay inside, and must go back for a third shot on Saturday morning.
Tomorrow should be a calmer day, “only” my writing work and a therapy session in the morning. Looking forward to the rest!
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