Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The 'Peg and Rough Riders, Day 2

Today we made our way up to The Great White North! (Fortuntely, it was not white where we went)

Thursday, August 9 saw us breakfasting at the hotel in Grand Forks, ND, before heading north. Most of the road looked like this: 

But some of it looked like this:

We stopped to fill up the gas tank just before the border crossing, as gas is cheaper in the US. We were literally the only ones at the crossing, and the "interview" took about 3 minutes. Mainly the guy was interested how a German man and an American woman would have friends in Winnipeg, I think. But he graciously allowed us in! 

Our almost immediate next stop was at the Manitoba Visitors Center, which was unaccountably closed. Fortunately, the rest rooms, which were our main goal, were open. 

From there, we stiooed at nearly the last town before entering Winnipeg -- St. Norbert. Of course we had to stop there for a photo.

On to Carleen and Doug's house for a great reunion. We also got to meet their dogs, Reyka and Casssidy, who seemed to enjoy the toys we brought them.

After lunch, the four of us humans headed out, to downtown Winnipeg and The Forks, where the Assiniboine River (east-west) forks off from the Red River (north-south). A lovely park and of course some shops. First of all, up the lookout tower for an overview.

And a quick stroll through the shops. 

Down to the riverfront!

There were a lot of cannabis shops, literally at least one on almost every block. 

Back to the house. Carleen prepared a typical Ukranian Mennonite dinner of Farmers' Sausage and pirogies. Very good! 

 A lot of catch-up conversation in the evening before our jet lag caught up with us.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

The 'Peg and Rough Riders -- Day 1

Welcome to our August 2024 vacation to North Dakota, Winnipeg, Montana, and Minnesota!

It started at ungodly-o'clock on Wednesday, August 7. Lucas picked us up at 4 a.m. and took us to Düsseldorf Airport. We were, I think, the first to check in, and the wheelchair guy got us quickly through security and to our gate. We were amazed at how full the airport was, and at that early hour. But it was still school holidays, and Düsseldorf is the biggest "holiday" airport, with multiple flights to Turkey, Mallorca, the Canaries, and so on.

We flew first to Amsterdam, about 35 minutes. Again, we got quickly to our gate for our flight to Minneapolis. We were suppposed to have a 3 hour layover, but with going from one end of the airport to the other, and with boarding starting so early before the flight (and being one of the first to board), I was glad had built in so much time.

The flight went fine. We noticed that Delta has cut way back on its food service, and they didn't come around very often at all with water. I actually watched a movie, which I rarely do, but how could I refuse "Moonstruck"?

I got wheelchaired in Minneapolis by a very aggressive young woman. She got us through Immigration in record time, and seemed to take it personally that it took so long for our suitcases to come out. As soon as Norbert had them, she started running towards the exit, and ended up having to wait for him to catch up with us!

About an hour flight to Grand Forks, North Dakota, and their cute little airport, with two gates. Norbert worried which belt our suitcases would be on, but since they have only one, it was not a problem! Picking up our rental car was equally casual and simple. A bright blue Nissan Rogue.

Our first stop was, of course, Walmart, which happened to be conveniently placed halfway between the airport and our hotel. We stocked up on bottle water, snacks, and some sandwiches for dinner.

On to our hotel, Ramada by Wyndham. It seems to be undergoing massive renovations, and did not make the best impression on first glance. However, the lobby was lovely, the personnel friendly, and our room fine.

A long day but all went well.